About Me

Pensacola Beach, FL
I live on Pensacola Beach, just past 23 ave. Most of the time there is swell I'll be surfing, but I'm going to try and take more pictures for this site. I just moved here from tampa so come introduce yourself if you see me shooting or surfing. I can also email you better quality pics.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Waves look like they could be really fun. Light winds out of the east for now with waist to chest high waves on the east pensacola beaches. Just needs the right sandbar as the one I saw was absolutely dumping but not really rideable.  Hope it lasts all day.


Still looking to buy a longboard

Checkout theflomo.com

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday Morning

Actually looks a lot more in control out there than I expected.  Only looks about chest high with 12-15mph se wind but the form didn't look too bad.  I think the low tide is keeping all the little choppy waves out.  Anyways, I think we will see a definite increase in size as the tide comes in, bringing with it the larger waves (6ft) that I'm seeing on the buoys and letting those waves make there way across the outside sandbar without losing all of their energy.  Should be a fun day if the wind doesn't get too crazy.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Forecast

ladies and Gentleman,

It is still flat out but an absolutely wonderful day to be at the beach.  Thats where I'm gonna be after this work day is over.

Saturday sees building swell throughout the day up to chest high.Sunday sees chest to head high waves that continue through Monday.   These waves will be accompanied by a moderate SE wind.  Tuesday sees continuing chest high + and we might see the winds drop off in the afternoon for a super fun session.  Small waves around thigh/waist high on wednesday.

 I am still trying to find a decently price longboard, it can be a beater or whatever. I want something to teach my friends on and to play around on the small summertime stuff. Shoot me some pics and a price and lets figure something out.  bkurth@stetson.edu

Also, a plug for Flomotion,  a Florida based surf apparel company.  They have a shipment of shirts and stuff on the way to Innerlight  as we speak.  I went to school and am good friends with the group of guys that surf and  are following their dreams and trying to make it big.  Check out their website @ theflomo.com  and give them some support.

I'll be out with the camera starting saturday afternoon.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Crap I haven't posted in forever.  Thats what being busy and fishing all the time will do. Along with the lack of waves lately.  And I don't really see the need to chronicle the tiny SUP bumps, not my style, I'll leave it to surfsmooth.  However we do have waves coming in the near future. Saturday and Sunday chest + with waves dwindling through the early part of the next work week. I'll try and get out with the camera, its been too long.
