About Me

Pensacola Beach, FL
I live on Pensacola Beach, just past 23 ave. Most of the time there is swell I'll be surfing, but I'm going to try and take more pictures for this site. I just moved here from tampa so come introduce yourself if you see me shooting or surfing. I can also email you better quality pics.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012


Around chest high at best sandbars and the wind is already blowing S at 14mph with a big line of storms headed our way.  Light winds behind the storm line though so maybe after it passes we'll have small wave fun.  

I'll be out of town again all weekend through wednesday, but it looks to be flat after tomorrow anyways.


Thursday, March 22, 2012


Well, from what I saw, the waves are still choppy, the wind has died a little and it doesn't look as out of control as yesterday.  That being said waves are still choppy in the head high range with a kickin 15 mph SE wind that is forecast to increase as this slow moving front approaches. It will bring rain and more wind to the area later today and for the next day or so.  Waves slowly on the decrease tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Already a big choppy mess, and forecast to get windier.  Around head high but with winds anywhere from 15-25 mph already I'd say its gonna be pretty choppy.  But... it is spring break, and it will be sunny and warm so I guess it might be doable.  Yesterday afternoon was weird because of the non tide, it would break really good for like 20 minutes and then there would be a 40  minute period of two much water, whitewater rolling through from the outside, and just a general mess, then it would get good again.  Anyways, have fun, be safe.

Still looking for a beater board over 8 ft to teach people on. Let me know


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm Back

Around waist high out here on pensacola east beaches and on the up and up.  Should be chest high + by the end of the day.  Buoys are already 4.6 ft @7 seconds.  ITs beautiful out and the high is around 80 something today but the wind is forecast to blow pretty hard today and tomorrow.  But its warm, spring break,  and there are waves so no complaints here.

Try and spread out, if you are learning or new, can't deal with crowds(i.e. can't duckdive, avoid other paddlers), please go surf on the beach somewhere and not our local popular spots.  They are already crowded enough as it is, and it is exacerbated by the spring break crowd.  That is all


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Real small stuff with light N winds.

I'll be headed to the East coast tomorrow through Sunday.  Looks flat over here though with waves starting to build monday late and tuesday and getting pretty good sized and windy throughout the week.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Its pretty calm out there, like oil slick calm with low clouds and fog that are supposed to burn off in a couple hours. Waves looked pretty small but had potential to be fun on a longboard at the right sandbar.

PS, finally don't have to be in a wetsuit anymore. When the sun was out yesterday I put in two good hours of surf with boardshorts and a 2mil top.  Stoked


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My apologies for the lack of consistent updates the last two weeks.  Things have been pretty hectic at work, trying to get in early, and I had company coming and going.  The report and picture taking is back online now though.  Currently winds are light ese, with lots of fog and I would say waist high waves.  I would guess it will just continue to get smaller throughout the day.  


Friday, March 9, 2012

Fun Friday

Waves are good ....go!  Wish I could.

Spread out and remember always know where your board is, don't need anyone getting hurt out there.


Thursday, March 8, 2012


I would say around chest high with + sets. E wind around 10, but it didn't seem to be messing up the form too much.

Forecast holds through mid next week with waves of varying sizes from day to day, but all rideable. Saturday looks to be the smallest.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

VAS conditions around chest high, kinda hard to say size because its not really breaking like a wave you would want to ride. Should build all day, just gotta find a window of good wind, and be ready to paddle.

Waves for basically the next week, except for saturday, where we'll probably have a small longboard wave.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Waist high , super choppy, super windy, should be building all day and tomorrow and continuing through the week. Just gotta find the right combos of wind and tide.


Monday, March 5, 2012


Sorry for the lack of reports the last few days, I've been out of town and had company so kinda busy.  But saturday sure was fun.  Today its flat but look for building waves tomorrow that will continue through saturday possible more.
